Providing progressive cancer treatment and compassionate care.

Movement and Exercise

Embarking on a serious exercise program while undergoing cancer treatment is usually not a good idea. However, maintaining energy for your current daily activity level is important as is regaining any lost strength. Always check with your physician before beginning any exercise program to determine what activity level is most appropriate for you. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated is always important to overall health, but even more so during treatment. Listen to your body and don’t over exert yourself.

Benefits Often Include

  • Stress reduction
  • Improved sleep
  • Maintenance or strengthening of cardiovascular system
  • Enhanced flexibility and range of motion
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Relaxation
  • Self-confidence and an enhanced feeling of wellness

You may not realize it, but even light to moderate walking can help increase energy levels and boost self esteem. Many patients find that exercise helps reduce feelings of anxiety and depression as well. Be sure to start slowly after informing your healthcare provider.

Movement Ideas

  • Make the most of your daily activities by incorporating exercise.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Park farther away
  • Go down every aisle in the grocery store – whether you need to or not!
  • Stroll the mall. You’ll enjoy a controlled environment, people and plenty of places to rest should you tire.
  • Work out in water. It is gentle on your joints and you won’t become over-heated. (be sure to use sunscreen if your pool is outside).
  • Try Tai Chi, Qi Gong or yoga. These centuries-old forms of exercise incorporate rhythmic breathing and relaxation techniques with gentle movements.
  • Gardening can be a nurturing experience. Once again, protect yourself from potential sunburn and insect bites.
  • Find something that you enjoy.

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